You are given a rows x cols matrix grid representing a field of cherries where grid[i][j] represents the number of cherries that you can collect from the (i, j) cell.

You have two robots that can collect cherries for you:

  • Robot #1 is located at the top-left corner (0, 0), and
  • Robot #2 is located at the top-right corner (0, cols - 1).

Return the maximum number of cherries collection using both robots by following the rules below:

  • From a cell (i, j), robots can move to cell (i + 1, j - 1), (i + 1, j), or (i + 1, j + 1).
  • When any robot passes through a cell, It picks up all cherries, and the cell becomes an empty cell.
  • When both robots stay in the same cell, only one takes the cherries.
  • Both robots cannot move outside of the grid at any moment.
  • Both robots should reach the bottom row in grid.

Example 1:

Input: grid = [[3,1,1],[2,5,1],[1,5,5],[2,1,1]] Output: 24 Explanation: Path of robot #1 and #2 are described in color green and blue respectively. Cherries taken by Robot #1, (3 + 2 + 5 + 2) = 12. Cherries taken by Robot #2, (1 + 5 + 5 + 1) = 12. Total of cherries: 12 + 12 = 24.

Example 2:

Input: grid = [[1,0,0,0,0,0,1],[2,0,0,0,0,3,0],[2,0,9,0,0,0,0],[0,3,0,5,4,0,0],[1,0,2,3,0,0,6]] Output: 28 Explanation: Path of robot #1 and #2 are described in color green and blue respectively. Cherries taken by Robot #1, (1 + 9 + 5 + 2) = 17. Cherries taken by Robot #2, (1 + 3 + 4 + 3) = 11. Total of cherries: 17 + 11 = 28.


  • rows == grid.length
  • cols == grid[i].length
  • 2 <= rows, cols <= 70
  • 0 <= grid[i][j] <= 100

这道题目长着动态规划的脸。子问题看起来很明显:针对 Grid 中的每一格,其上一层都只有三种情况。如果只有一个机器人,这就是一道非常基础的动态规划题,最多给个中等难度。但是这里有两个机器人,因此思路也陷入僵局。

好在问题的 Solution 写得非常清楚,我们需要同时移动两个机器人。我之前的思路过于局限。之前我认为 DP 是一种填格子游戏,把格子填满就是胜利。这一题告诉我它可以往自己划定的格子里填数,而不是限死在题设的格子里。

我们定义 dp 为 number[][][] 。这个三位数组中的第二维是 robot1 的位置,第三维是 robot2 的位置。由于有两个机器人,前一列共有 3*3 = 9中情况。我在最初的解法里把9中情况都列了出来,随后优化成了两个循环。据此写出的解法为:

/** * @param {number[][]} grid * @return {number} */ var cherryPickup = function(grid) { let dpCache = [] for(let i=0; i<grid.length; i++) { dpCache.push([]) for (let j=0; j<grid[0].length; j++) { dpCache[i][j] = [] } } let max = 0 function dp(r, i, j) { if (i < 0 || i >= grid[0].length || j<0 || j>=grid[0].length) return -Infinity if (r===0) { const rst = i === 0 && j === grid[0].length-1 ? grid[r][i] + grid[r][j] : -Infinity dpCache[r][i][j] = rst return rst } if (dpCache[r][i][j]) return dpCache[r][i][j] let rMax = -Infinity for(let ii = i-1; ii<=i+1; ii++) { for (let jj = j-1; jj<=j+1; jj++) { rMax = Math.max(rMax, dp(r-1, ii, jj)) } } const rst = i === j ? rMax + grid[r][i] : rMax + grid[r][i] + grid[r][j] dpCache[r][i][j] = rst if (rst > max) max = rst return rst } for(let i=0; i < grid[0].length; i++) { for (let j=0; j<grid[0].length; j++) { dp(grid.length-1, i, j) } } return max };

这是一个不太好的解法。可以看到我们在最后 dprow ^ 2 次,因为 robot1robot2 最后可能会在任何位置。更大的问题是:不是每一个初始位置都能到达这些重点的,但是我们的初始位置是确定的。

如果我把 row[0] 中的每一个元素设置为对应的 robot1 + bobot2 的和,那么我们就得到一个更通用的解:机器人可以在任何初始位置。但是对这一题,我不得不吧其它位置设置成 -Infinity ,然后这些额外的解就变得非常累赘。我们应该从上向下遍历。

/** * @param {number[][]} grid * @return {number} */ var cherryPickup = function(grid) { let dpCache = [] for(let i=0; i<grid.length; i++) { dpCache.push([]) for (let j=0; j<grid[0].length; j++) { dpCache[i][j] = [] } } function dp(r, i, j) { if (i < 0 || i >= grid[0].length || j<0 || j>=grid[0].length) return -Infinity if (dpCache[r][i][j]) return dpCache[r][i][j] let rMax = 0 // 注意这个if判断,很重要 if (r < grid.length - 1) { for(let ii = i-1; ii<=i+1; ii++) { for (let jj = j-1; jj<=j+1; jj++) { rMax = Math.max(rMax, dp(r+1, ii, jj)) } } } let rst = (i === j ? grid[r][i] : grid[r][i] + grid[r][j]) + rMax dpCache[r][i][j] = rst return rst } return dp(0, 0, grid[0].length-1) };

这并不容易。思路上我们先拿到当前格的值,然后再加上9种可能的情况中最大的那个值。当我们遍历到最后一列的时候,我们不应该再继续dp,而是直接返回当前格的值就可以。这时候第一列的格子里装的是走到最后一列时最大值时多少,而且只有 dpCache[0][grid[0].length-1]有值。这正是我们想要的效果。要知道,当我们自下而上进行DP的时候可是每一个格子都填满了。
